
6- Des pratiques artistiques pour se rencontrer et coéduquer. Théâtre et danse : vers un « mieux-vivre » en milieu éducatif ?

- Sophie Necker, RECIFES, EA 4520, ESPE LNF, Université d'Artois
- Sabine Thorel-Hallez, RECIFES, EA 4520, ESPE LNF, Université d'Artois

The study of artistic practice’s plans in educational context (contemporary dance and Forum theater method) carried out from sociological and didactic frameworks, represents a way to analyse the means of action and process at stake in the construction of a pacified relationship with oneself and with someone else. It leads to hypothesis concerning the mechanisms by which these practices could take part in the development, in the preservation and/or in the restoration of the positive climate in educational environment.

Keywords : Théâtre-forum, danse contemporaine, climat, expérience, coéducation, forum theater method, contemporary dance, climate, experience, coeducation..

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