2- Parents of Marseille lower class areas: Ethnic lines and moral similarities by - Françoise Lorcerie, CNRS, Institut de Recherches et d’Études sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman (IREMAM) UMR 7310, Aix-Marseille Université
Taking advantage of the admission of students from Marseille lower class areas to a newly established “excellence” boarding school, the article focuses on the parents who were so indirectly selected. It first puts into question their distinctiveness. Were they chosen because they were remarkable as well as their children. It appears that such is not the case. Their children are not academically exceptional and themselves are not socio-economically nor ethnically peculiar. They can be seen as alike the large number of lower class parents from these areas who are concerned with their children’s school education and hope for them better life courses than their own. The ethnographical-type inquiry helps knowing how ethnic lines impact on family configurations, and it allows to set out roughly the educative style which prevails in these families. |
Keywords : Internat, immigré, parent, maghrébin, comorien, Marseille, style éducatif, ethnicité, boarding-school, immigrant, parent, Maghrebian, Comorian, Marseille, educative style, ethnicity.
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