
4- Du territoire au collège : réflexions de terrain dans un établissement ECLAIR des quartiers Nord de Marseille
by - Rania Hanafi, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis - École Supérieure du Professorat et de l’Éducation, Unité de recherche « Migrations Sociétés » (UMR CNRS 8245 – UMR IRD 205)

Our paper sets out to question the context effect « effet de lieu » as defined by Bourdieu (1993) on school practices in a priority education zone secondary school in the North neighbourhoods of Marseille. Our participant observation empirical research work in such a segregated school enabled us to identify conflicting forms of logics and expectations. In a context of over publicized violence of the Northern neighbourhoods, the representations of the territory by the school actors and the way they view their students and their families are highly influenced by their own perception of the area. As a consequence, the security in school approach overpowers educational innovation. We could see there was both real and symbolical borders at different levels. If the real separation is more between the school itself and its outside area, the symbolical one is the outcome of the implementation of school discipline based on a social and ethnic stratification between the management staff and teachers on one side and the ancillary staff and the students on the other side within the very school.

Keywords : Territoire, éducation prioritaire, discriminations sociale et ethnique, politique scolaire, collège ECLAIR, priority area, education policy “ECLAIR”, disadvantaged background, social and ethnic inequality.

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