
7- Varia - From anomic disturbances to meaningful critical situations: stakes and limitations of school disorders typologies
by - Sébastien Pesce, Université François Rabelais, Tours, France
Équipe « Éducation, Éthique, Santé »

- Bruno Robbes, Université de Cergy-Pontoise, France
EA4507, « École, Mutations, Apprentissages »

Speeches and research on school disorders articulate two trends: on one hand, because teachers themselves have a hard time predicting and explaining these disorders, observers tend to consider these disorders as anomic phenomena; on the other hand, research aims to make sense of what first seems chaotic or literally “meaningless”, by the means of categories and typologies, in order to allow their prevention and treatment by teachers. We propose to investigate this twofold dimension of research on school disorders, through the analysis of an actual situation, taken from the Néopass@ction corpus, a French web-based training support. We aim to question the stakes and limitations of categorizations proposed to account for such disorders, before accounting for the complexity of the interpretative processes involved in seemingly anomic situations.

Keywords : Anomie, incidents, situations critiques, interactionnisme symbolique, approche compréhensive, anomy, school disorders, critical situations, symbolic interactionism, comprehensive research.

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