
3- Girls and boys facing school harassment: two different realities?

- Benoit Galand, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique

- Chloé Tolmatcheff, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique

This article assesses the size of gender differences in involvement in school bullying. Two studies conducted with students from grade 6 to grade 9 using anonymous questionnaires indicate that boys reported to be more often perpetrators of harassment than girls, and that 6th graders reported to be more often victims than 8th and 9th graders, with no gender differences. Factorial analyses support a unidimensional measure of bullying involvement rather than separated forms (verbal, physical, relational, material). Results of multigroup analyses also show that the strength of the relationships between perceived classroom management, perceived performance goal structure, harassment, victimization, peer rejection, depression, and task value, fluctuates following grade level but not following gender.

Keywords : Harcèlement scolaire, différence de genre, victimisation par les pairs, violence scolaire, enseignement primaire, enseignement secondaire, agression verbale, agression physique, agression relationnelle, agression matérielle, school bullying, gender differences, peer victimization, school violence, elementary school students, middle school students, verbal aggression, physical aggression, relational aggression, property damage.

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> 0- Contents
> 00 - Table of Contents, September 2016, 1
> 1- Editorial - Violence in schools : age and gender considerations
> 2- Perceived prosociality, expressed prosociality and observed prosociality by the gender of the children and the educational context they attend
> 4- Teachers' misbehaviours toward students: Distinction between gender and level of instruction
> 5- Indirect aggression trajectories and interpersonal risk factors among girls and boys in elementary schools
> 6- The impacts of the perception of socio-educational environment on aggressive and prosocial behaviours among the students at the end of primary school: An exploratory study
> 7- Cybervictimization, traditional bullying, and the perception of school climate among French high school students

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