
6 - Validation of a teachers’ self-efficacy scale to deal with violence in schools

Natalia Garcia, Université Laval (Canada), Département d'études sur l'enseignement et l’apprentissage.
Claire Beaumont, Titulaire de la Chaire de recherche sur la sécurité et la violence en milieu éducatif, Université Laval (Canada), Département d'études sur l'enseignement et l’apprentissage.
Éric Frenette, Université Laval (Canada), Département des fondements et pratiques en éducation.

This paper presents the approach that lead to the development of a questionnaire to measure the teachers’ self-efficacy to deal with violence in school. This research is based on the seven steps proposed by DeVellis (2003) to develop a questionnaire. The edumetric qualities were assessed with a sample of 107 university students registered for the bachelor's degree in education at elementary or secondary at a university in Québec’s jurisdiction. Results of confirmatory factor analysis reveal that the two correlated factors with a first-order factor (efficacy beliefs) and a second order factor (outcome expectancy), explain by three first-order factor (emotional, social and self-evaluative effects) fit well the data. In addition, each factor has an acceptable level of internal consistency. This model based on the concept of self-efficacy of Bandura (1986, 1997, 2003) can help to describe empirically teachers’ self-efficacy towards school violence situations.

Keywords : Sentiment d’efficacité personnelle, violence à l’école, enseignants, élaboration de questionnaires, analyse factorielle confirmatoire, self-efficacy, school violence, teachers, scale development, and confirmatory factor analysis.

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