
4- School Climate Improvement: What Do U.S. Educators Believe, Need and Want?

- Jonathan Cohen, National School Climate Center; Teachers College, Columbia Universit, U.S.A.

- Amrit Thapa, Graduate School of Education; University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

The objective of this study is to understand what K-12 building and district leaders as well as school climate coordinators in the U.S. think about school climate reform: How important do they believe school climate is? And, to understand what they need and want with regard to further conceptual clarifications, policy reform guidelines, measurement selection, school improvement and leadership development. Two overlapping surveys were administered: (1) A national survey that building leaders, district leaders and school climate coordinators (N=365) from 36 states responded; and, (2) a U.S. State administration (N=504). This study revealed a paradox. In the national and state surveys, school leaders reported needing and wanting clarity about what school climate and an effective school climate improvement means. School climate leaders also voiced a want and a need for guidelines about policy reform, measurement, practical school-based improvement benchmarks and professional development opportunities. Suggestions are offered that support school-based educational professionals and addressing these areas of need.

Keywords : School climate, school culture, conditions for learning, supportive learning, climat scolaire, culture scolaire, conditions d’apprentissages, apprentissages positifs..


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