Submission of Manuscripts

The IJVS receives all manuscript submissions electronically by e-­mail:

Submitted manuscripts will undergo blind peer review. Authors should avoid placing any form of identification either on the body of the manuscript or in the required abstract.

Submission of a manuscript to this journal represents a certification on the part of the author(s) that it is an original work, and that neither this manuscript nor a version of it has been published elsewhere or is being considered for publication elsewhere.
All manuscripts must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. ( Provide an abstract of approximately 125 words on a new page following the title page. Abstracts should not contain reference citations. Provide 3-10 key words below the abstract for indexing purposes. Abstracts should be in both French and English

Submitted manuscripts will undergo blind peer review. Authors should avoid placing any form of identification either on the body of the manuscript or in the required abstract. Manuscripts that do not conform to these requirements will be returned to the authors for correction and will delay the review process. Please consult our guidance on keywords here.

What to send 

Only by e-mail:

a) Specify in the message the name(s) and forename(s) of the author(s), the title of the article, the e-mail and postal addresses to be used for all correspondence.

b) Attach your manuscript in a file named as follows:


                        Example: Mozart.07.13.doc

Format of the article

We accept documents in MS WORD, WORDPERFECT and compatible formats.

The texts must be writtenh in English or French.

The texts must mention:

a) In the article header, the surname and forename of the author.

b) The name of the author’s University or Institution, without indicating the author’s title or function.

c) The title of the article.

d) The original articles must be accompanied by an abstract in French and English. This abstract must precede the article.

e) The original articles must be accompanied by keywords in English and French. These keywords must be placed after the abstract and before the article.

All the pages must be numbered in a continuous sequence.

The references to notes are to be inserted before the punctuation mark. These notes are integrated at the bottom of each page rather than at the end of the text.

The original articles may not exceed 65,000 characters (punctuation and spaces included). The abstracts may not exceed 550 characters (punctuation and spaces included). Use Times New Roman, size: 12.


References should be single-spaced, placed in alphabetical order, and listed on separate pages following the text. They should refer only to material cited in the manuscript and should follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th ed. citation style (American Psychological Association, 2010). Reference listings should include author names up to and including seven authors. When authors number eight or more, include the first six authors' names followed by a comma and "et al." This is an exception to the sixth edition. In text, reference citations should include author and year of publication. Identify subsequent citations in the text in the same way as the first, not using ibid., op. cit., or loc. cit. If citing five authors or fewer, give names of all authors. For six authors or more, use “et al.”.

Tables and Figures 

Tables and figures should be embedded in the text. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included. Figures should be completely labeled, taking into account necessary size reduction.
Graphs must be presented as a Word image.
Figures and tables must be numbered in a continuous sequence, with figures in Arabic numerals and tables in Roman numerals. They must be presented in a directly useable form. Avoid excessively large tables (particularly width-­wise).

Article selection procedure

The manuscripts sent to the journal are not drafts
The scientific committee appoints two researchers who are responsible for conducting a blind evaluation of the manuscript.
When relevent, the first proof is sent back to the author by e-­mail for revision. The revised version of the article is to returned to the journal by e-mail only, within a maximum time limit of one month following the first review reception.


Each author commits to accept the publication of his or her article on the website of the journal and, when applicable, in a paper version of this journal. Any later publication requires written authorisation from the editorial committee, as well as a mention of the previous publication in the journal.