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IJVS Manuscript Submission Information for Authors

  General instructions

The "International Journal on Violence and Schools" is an international electronic journal which publishes on its website www.ijvs.org online scientific articles on the themes of violence in schools, delinquency, and juvenile misbehaviour.

Address to send the texts to:
Address to send the texts to:

By e-mail:

[email protected]

Or by post:

Submission article

Observatoire International de la Violence Scolaire

Universit� Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2

3 ter Place de la Victoire

33000 Bordeaux


What to send:

. By e-mail:

a)      specify in the message the name and forename of the author, the title of the article, the e-mail and postal addresses to be used for all correspondence

b)      attach your manuscript in a file named as follows:

Authorname.date (Month.year).doc

           Example: Mozart.09.05.doc

. By post:

a)      accompanying letter indicating the surname and forename of the author, the title of the article, and the email address and postal address to be used for all correspondence

b)      a floppy disk or CD-ROM containing only the file of your manuscript, named as follows:

Authorname.date (Month.year).doc

Example: Mozart.09.05.doc

Format of the document

We accept documents in MS WORD, WORDPERFECT and compatible formats.

The texts must be presented in English or French and must be typed.

The texts must mention:

a)      In the article header, the surname and forename of the author.

b)      The name of the author�s university or institution, without indicating the author�s title or function.

c)      The title of the article.

d)      The original articles must be accompanied by an abstract in French. This abstract must precede the article.

e)      The original articles must be accompanied by keywords in English. These keywords must be placed after the abstract and before the article.

All the pages must be numbered in a continuous sequence.

The references to notes are to be inserted before the punctuation mark. These notes are integrated at the bottom of each page rather than at the end of the text.

The original articles may not exceed 65,000 characters (punctuation and spaces included). The abstracts may not exceed 550 characters (punctuation and spaces included). Use Time New Roman n� 12 characters.

Bibliographic indications

In both the body of the text and the notes at the bottom of the page, references may only appear in the form of a cross-reference to the bibliography, which is placed at the end of the article. The use of terms such as op.cit. or ibid. is strictly prohibited.

a)      Reference to the bibliography

-          In the text and in the notes at the bottom of the page, if a commentary is inserted. The reference appears as follows: author name in lower case, year of publication, and page number where applicable, all in parentheses.

-          In the text and in the notes at the bottom of the page, if a commentary is inserted. The reference appears as follows: author name in lower case, year of publication, and page number where applicable, all in parentheses.

Example: Mozart, 1791, 55

-          When there are two references or more to the same author in the same year, they must be distinguished from each other as follows: 1791a, 1791b, 1791c, etc., following the chronology of publication if available.

-          When the author name is in the text itself: Mozart (1791). When it is not in the text itself: (Mozart, 1791).

-          When there is a series of references, they are grouped together within the same parentheses and separated by semi-colons: (Mozart, 1791; Beethoven, 1812; Brahms, 1887)

b)      Bibliography

This is supplied at the end of the text and is in alphabetical order of the authors. If more than one work by the same author is cited, the works must appear in chronological order of publication. The references must not be numbered. They are presented as follows:

This is supplied at the end of the text and is in alphabetical order of the authors. If more than one work by the same author is cited, the works must appear in chronological order of publication. The references must not be numbered. They are presented as follows:

-          For a book or similar: author name in capitals, initial(s) of forename(s) in capitals, date of publication in parentheses, title of the work in italicised lower case, name of editor. All separated by commas.

           e.g.: DUGUESCLIN B., (1489), Le port de la soutane dans l'arm�e de r�serve, Valparaiso, Delaprairie.

-          Collective books must respect the same presentation rules as other books, except that the name of the author is followed by the word �Ed.� in parentheses.

e.g.: DYLAN R., (Ed.), (1992), The times they are a-changing, Oxford, Oxford Univ. Press.

-          For an article from a periodical, include the author�s name in capitals, initial(s) of forename(s) in capitals, title of the article in Roman lower case, title of the periodical (abbreviated if necessary using the international nomenclature) in italicised lower case, year, tome or volume, issue number, first and last pages of the article.

e.g.: MOZART W.A., (1992), Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, International Journal for Historical Musicology, 5, 3, 45-89.

-          For a contribution to a work, same presentation as in the paragraph above, except that the name of the work is preceded by in.

e.g.: BRASSENS G., (1995), Les copains d'abord, in BORGES J.L., Ed., Apologie du vrai, Moscou, Ed. Pravda, 18-24.

-          If there is more than one author, each name appears in capitals followed by the initial(s) of forename(s), without the word "and". For the rest, follow the same rules as above.

e.g.: TURNER J.M.W., PICASSO P., VERMEER J., (1953), L'ensevelissement en mer de la laiti�re de Guernica, Paris, L'Art en folie.

Instructions for figures, tables and graphs

Table entries must be presented as actual tables (lines and columns) rather than merely in the form of tabulations. Avoid excessively large tables (particularly width-wise).

Graphs must be presented as a Word image.

Figures and tables must be numbered in a continuous sequence, with figures in Arabic numerals and tables in Roman numerals. They must be presented in directly useable form.

Article selection procedure

The manuscripts sent to the journal are considered to be definitive.

The scientific committee appoints two researchers who are responsible for conducting a blind evaluation of the manuscript.

If necessary, the first proof is sent back to the author by e-mail for correction. The examiners reserve the right to request as many corrections as they judge necessary. The corrected proof must be returned to the journal by email only, within a maximum time limit of one month from when the request for corrections was sent. No author�s corrections may be made.

The paper copies of the manuscripts are not returned to the authors.

Ethics when submitting a text

The texts submitted for publication must not have been published already. They cannot be published simultaneously in other journals or proposed in parallel to other journals.


Each author undertakes to accept the publication of his or her text on the website of the journal and, where applicable, in a paper version of this journal. Any later publication requires written authorisation from the editorial committee, as well as a mention of the previous publication in the journal.

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