Nom Royer Egide
Titre Ph. D. Professeur, codirecteur de l'Observatoire Canadien de la Prévention de la Violence à l'Ecole
Université Faculty of education, Laval, Quebec, Canada
Discipline Education spécialisée
Trois publications récentes

  • ROYER, É. (2003). What Galileo Knew: School violence, research,
    effective practices and teacher training. In Royer, É. et Debarbieux,
    É. Eds. Journal of Educational Administration, 41(6), 640-649.

  • ROYER, É. (2004). The gap between research and practice : Achieving
    effective in-service training for teachers working with EBD students.
    Dans P. Clough, P. Garner, J. T. Pardeck  and F. Yuen (Eds). Handbook
    of Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties in Education, 373-384.
    London: Sage.

  • ROYER, É. (2002). School violence and teacher training policies. In
    É. Debarbieux & C. Blaya (Eds.), Violence in Schools and Public
    Policies, 159-169. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

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