The three most important publication |
- Astor, R.A., Rosemond, M., Pitner, R.O. & Marachi, R. (in press). An Overview of Best Violence Prevention Practices in Schools. School Social Work and Mental Health Worker�s Training and Resource Manual. In C. Franklin, M.B. Harris & P.A. Meares (Eds). Chapter 43. Oxford University Press.
- Benbenishty, R. & Astor, R.A. (2005). School Victimization in Context: Culture, Neighborhood, Family, School,
and Gender. Oxford University Press. NY, NY.
- Astor, R.A., Benbenishty, R. & Meyer, H.A. (2004). Monitoring and mapping student victimization in schools. Theory Into Practice, 43(1), 39-49.