The International Observatory of Violence in School - IOVS
Please check our Publications' page for the latest news from the members of the IOVS
By Ron Avi Astor, Linda Jacobson, Stephani L. Wrabel, Rami Benbenishty & Diana Pineda
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"MAPPING and MONITORING BULLYING and VIOLENCE"Building a Safe school Climate
By Ron Avi Astor & Rami Benbenishty
7th World Conference on "Violence in Schools and Public Policy" - 7th Biennial CQJDC Conference 2018
" Tightly Knit community...successful education !"
The preliminary program is available on line.

International Journal on School Climate and Violence Prevention,
Volume 2 - n°1 - 2017 is online
To access to the full issue, please click below :
Call for papers:
7th World Conference on "Violence in Schools and Public Policy" - 7th Biennial CQJDC Conference 2018 on the theme
" Tightly Knit community...successful education !"
Submission deadline extended :
For more information please visit the website:
7th World Conference on "Violence in Schools and Public Policy" and 7th Biennal Conference of the CQJDC
25-26-27 April 2018 - Quebec - Canada
IJSCVP Call for papers 2017
Downlad the call for papers
The second issue of the International Journal on School Climate and Violence Prevention has just been released
To access the full review, please click below:
Ethnicity challenges in schools: contributions to analyse inequalities and discriminations
Conference "The young people and cyberhate: victims, witnesses, perpetrators? International comparisons"
23 and 24 January 2017 - Theater- Grand Château - Valrose Campus - Nice
For more information, please click below :
Call for Proposals :
"The UNESCO Week for Peace and Sustainable Development: The Role of Education"
Application deadline : 23 December 2016
Documents :
Call for Proposals
Programm of the week
Comprehensive research review confirms Positive School Climates Can Narrow Achievement Gaps
Positive school climates contribute to academic achievement and can improve outcomes for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, according to a new study published in Review of Educational Research, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Educational Research Association.
To access the news on AERA website, please click here
To access to the full study, please click below :
"A Research Synthesis of the Associations Between Socioeconomic Background, Inequality, School Climate, and Academic Achievement"
Ruth Berkowitz, University of Haifa
Hadass Moore, University of Southern California
Ron Avi Astor, University of Southern California
Rami Benbenishty, Bar Ilan University
The first number of the International Journal on School Climate and Violence Prevention is online.
To access to the full issue, please click below :
Student Well-Being and Prevention of Violence Research Centre (SWAPv)
Inaugural Conference 13th-15th July 2016 @ Flinders, Tonsley Campus
(Adelaide - Australia)
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"Enhancing child and adolescent wellbeing and preventing violence in schools
and early childhood settings"
Conference flyer
The SWAPv inaugural conference, (in partnership with Flinders Educational Futures Research Institute, Office of Indigenous Strategy & Engagement, The Wellbeing and Resilience Centre (SAHMRI), headspace, Relationships Australia (SA)) comprises more than 50 keynote addresses , papers, posters, round table discussions, workshops and symposia. Three main themes include (i) research, (ii) policy and practice and schools and (iii) pg & early career. The conference links research with translation, dissemination and implementation of programs, policy & practice.
Opening Address by President Coleiro Preca of Malta- The Presidents Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. (
Opening Highlight Performance: ‘Bound and Unbound’ by members of the Office of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement, Flinders University.
Public Event. A public lecture will be held on Thursday 14th July, 6-9.30pm, and features a panel discussion on the topic of: “The politics of well-being”. We suggest that you put this in your diary. Further information is to follow.
For keynote, venue, accommodation and registration details, please go to the Conference website:
To download the conference flyer, please click here
the International Observatory on Education and Prevention (OUIEP) of the Paris-Est University and its partners is organizing an International conference from November 16th to 18th 2016 on :
"New educational issues from an international perspective.
Education research and reconstruction of school and educational spaces."
To download the conference flyer and call for papers, please click here
Deadline to submit abstract : April 8th, 2016
IJVS n°16 - October 2015 - Special number
"Daring to interact with different others :
7th World Conference on "Violence in Schools and Public Policy" - 7th Biennial CQJDC Conference 2018 on the theme
" Tightly Knit community...successful education !"
Submission deadline extended :
2nd June 2017
For more information please visit the website:
7th World Conference on "Violence in Schools and Public Policy" and 7th Biennal Conference of the CQJDC
25-26-27 April 2018 - Quebec - Canada


Downlad the call for papers

The second issue of the International Journal on School Climate and Violence Prevention has just been released
To access the full review, please click below:
Ethnicity challenges in schools: contributions to analyse inequalities and discriminations
Conference "The young people and cyberhate: victims, witnesses, perpetrators? International comparisons"
23 and 24 January 2017 - Theater- Grand Château - Valrose Campus - Nice
For more information, please click below :

Call for Proposals :
"The UNESCO Week for Peace and Sustainable Development: The Role of Education"
Application deadline : 23 December 2016
Documents :
Call for Proposals
Programm of the week
Comprehensive research review confirms Positive School Climates Can Narrow Achievement Gaps
Positive school climates contribute to academic achievement and can improve outcomes for students from low socioeconomic backgrounds, according to a new study published in Review of Educational Research, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Educational Research Association.
To access the news on AERA website, please click here
To access to the full study, please click below :
"A Research Synthesis of the Associations Between Socioeconomic Background, Inequality, School Climate, and Academic Achievement"
Ruth Berkowitz, University of Haifa
Hadass Moore, University of Southern California
Ron Avi Astor, University of Southern California
Rami Benbenishty, Bar Ilan University
The first number of the International Journal on School Climate and Violence Prevention is online.
To access to the full issue, please click below :
Student Well-Being and Prevention of Violence Research Centre (SWAPv)
Inaugural Conference 13th-15th July 2016 @ Flinders, Tonsley Campus
(Adelaide - Australia)
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"Enhancing child and adolescent wellbeing and preventing violence in schools
and early childhood settings"
Conference flyer
The SWAPv inaugural conference, (in partnership with Flinders Educational Futures Research Institute, Office of Indigenous Strategy & Engagement, The Wellbeing and Resilience Centre (SAHMRI), headspace, Relationships Australia (SA)) comprises more than 50 keynote addresses , papers, posters, round table discussions, workshops and symposia. Three main themes include (i) research, (ii) policy and practice and schools and (iii) pg & early career. The conference links research with translation, dissemination and implementation of programs, policy & practice.
Opening Address by President Coleiro Preca of Malta- The Presidents Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society. (
Opening Highlight Performance: ‘Bound and Unbound’ by members of the Office of Indigenous Strategy and Engagement, Flinders University.
Public Event. A public lecture will be held on Thursday 14th July, 6-9.30pm, and features a panel discussion on the topic of: “The politics of well-being”. We suggest that you put this in your diary. Further information is to follow.
For keynote, venue, accommodation and registration details, please go to the Conference website:
To download the conference flyer, please click here
the International Observatory on Education and Prevention (OUIEP) of the Paris-Est University and its partners is organizing an International conference from November 16th to 18th 2016 on :
"New educational issues from an international perspective.
Education research and reconstruction of school and educational spaces."
To download the conference flyer and call for papers, please click here
Deadline to submit abstract : April 8th, 2016


"Daring to interact with different others :
A new challenge for a caring school environment."
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Read the latest issue of the IJVS here

The International Journal of Violence and Schools (IJVS) number 15 is online.
Read the latest issue of the IJVS here
Lima's Declaration

The 6th World Conference on "Violence in Schools and Public Policies" has been jointly organized by the International Observatory of Violence in Schools and the MINEDU (Peruvian Ministry of Education)
Key notes are available in our " News" section

Superb 6th World Conference on "Violence in Schools and Public Policies" jointly organized by the International Observatory of Violence in Schools and the Peruvian Ministry of Education. 1,000 participants from 25 different countries, beautiful scientific contributions and productive exchanges, delegates mix (researchers, decision makers, professionals) and…a very positive climate!
In the name of the Scientific Committee of the IOVS
Thank you to all of you who contributed
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Catherine Blaya

From Violence to School Well-being
(Lima, 20-22.05.15) – Call for Proposals
For more informations please click below


"Structural validation and cross-cultural robustness of the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire"
Rosario Del Rey, José A. Casasb, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, Anja Schultze-Krumbholz, Herbert Scheithauer, Peter Smith, Fran Thompson, Vassilis Barkoukis, Haralambos Tsorbatzoudis, Antonella Brighi, Annalisa Guarini, Jacek Py?alski, Piotr Plichta (2015)
Computers in Human Behavior (Impact Factor: 2.27). 09/2015; 50:141 - 147. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.065
Full Text
Paz Elipe1, Joaquín A. Mora-Merchán, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz and José A. Casas (2015)
Front. Psychol. 6:486. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00486
Full Text

The anti-bullying national award ceremony was held on the 3rd of April 2015 at the lycée Henri the 4th in Paris, in presence of the French Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, and the delegate Minister Eric Debarbieux. Each year, this prize is issued to students for the best videos or posters productions.
This project was open to youth from 8 to 18 years and involved thousands
of students in 26 academies. Over 800 classes of students together with their teachers from 26 Academies took part. 10 prizes were issued at the national and 26 at the regional level.
Pr Catherine Blaya, President of the IOVS, was member of the national jury."
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The IOVS adopted the Respect Zone label
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