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22/05/2015 - 6th world conference "Violence in Schools and Public Policies -Key notes
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- Ron Astor : "Lessons and Contemplations From Monitoring School Climate, School Safety, and SEL in Israel And California Schools"
- Catherine Blaya : "School climate and students' well-being in Europe, the latest trends"
- Jonathan Cohen : "School climate reform and violence preventon policy and practice trends: Latin American, U.S. and the European Union"
- Rosario Ortega :"Investigando retos y riesgos de las relaciones interpersonales entre iguales: de la alegría del juego al riesgo de la violencia"
- Juan Carlos Oyanedel : "Violencia Escolar y Bienestar subjetivo infantil"
- Maria Ttofi : "Long-term effects of school bullying: Implications for health and crime prevention initiatives "
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