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What are the opportunities and risks in using security and surveillance technologies ? Which technologies are used in European cities today ? What are the issues in terms of ethics and fundamental rights intrusion linked to their use ? How are security and surveillance technologies perceived ? How to make use of these technologies in practice while protecting fundamental rights and privacy of citizens at the same time ?
The interdisciplinary research project « SURVEILLE », run by a consortium of renowned European universities, has been working since 2012 on these questions. This training will prepare the insights from this European research project for decision makers and practitioners at the local level. It will provide participants with an overview of issues linked to the use of security and surveillance technologies as well as with ideas for local action.
The training will be proposed as part of the dissemination activities of the SURVEILLE project by the European Forum in cooperation with the French Forum for Urban Security. Thanks to the financial support of the European Commission it can proposed free of charge.
The training will be proposed by European speakers in French.
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