15/09/2013 - Friendly Schools Global Forum
The Friendly Schools Global Forum will bring together many of the world’s experts on anti-bullying. The sessions will live stream over YouTube as mass webinars in an interactive Q & A style. The Forum is designed to help teachers create friendlier and more cohesive schools with an overall theme of “What works, what doesn’t and what’s promising?“
Recent research offers much to help us understand the most effective ways we can support children’s and adolescents’ social development, particularly to prevent bullying and other aggressive behavior. Importantly this research has identified key developmental windows and when it is essential to target this support.This series of three sessions, involving leading international researchers, practitioners and advocates, will examine the most significant findings from research and practice. They will discuss and respond to questions asking how these findings apply to actions parents and schools can take to enhance children’s and adolescents’ social competence, and reduce the likelihood of experiencing bullying.
Informations here
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